IMPORTANT NOTE: To use the Vimcar App you also require our original hardware.
Download to access Vimcar 's award-winning Digital Logbook and Driver Features!
我们易于使用的软件专为希望节省时间,金钱和麻烦的企业而设计。 Vimcar follows the highest possible privacy standards on the market and has been recommended by over 750 partner firms across Europe and the UK.
Vimcar Logbook
Developed and recommended by tax consultants, the Vimcar Logbook is an industry-leading tool used to make logbook management easy and more affordable. To find out more about Germany's favourite digital logbook go to Vimcar .de/fahrtenbuch.
Vimcar 's Driver Features give full control to drivers.例如,我们的隐私模式允许驾驶员仅在需要时激活车辆跟踪:使用隐私模式来保持个人行驶里程未跟踪,同时仍使您的雇主访问商业里程的车辆跟踪。
For any questions, do not hesitate to contact us: Vimcar .co.uk/support